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24th of June, 2003 POST·MERIDIEM 05:36

Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job/ But I get no offers, just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue./ I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there ... [1]

I’m listening to a lot of S & G in the last few days, mainly so I can maintain a mood of zoned-out detachment on the bus, while reading John le Carré studies of the manners of another world. The more I work in this direction, the more I can balance it with the focus and energy needed for the job. Oh, and the waiting around on Abbey Street in the mornings for half an hour a day counteracts the zoned-out detachment too, but hopefully that’ll end.

I think I mentioned it here before, but I certainly didn’t mention its name. There’s a programme on the BBC currently called “Early Doors”; [2] is the only link I can get on it at the moment, which sucks. Anyway. It’s great, watch it, ignore that they sound like they’re in Coronation Street and listen to the dialogue, watch the reactions of the actors, pay attention to the plot, and bow and worship.

Ditto for Six Feet Under, but you knew that already. http://​www.​hbo.​com/​sixfeetunder/​

Still no sign of DSL here; no, we are not impressed with Eircom. But then we never were, were we.

[1] http://​www.​lyricsfreak.​com/​s/​simon-and-garfunkel/​6804.​htm

[2] http://​www.​bbc.​co.​uk/​radio1/​news/​entertainment/​030227_earlydoors.​shtml

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