K-los, waren wir nie wieder … Siberia is hell, frozen … !Diego, Diego, Diego! 23rd of January, 2007 POST·MERIDIEM 02:31
An unassuming Canadian had his Amazon reviews posted to the front of Metafilter a few days ago, and since they now provide syndication feeds for individual reviewers’ reviews, I subscribed to it. Whence this, on an album of covers by Il Divo, and on Romance-speakers’ move to Northern Europe, an awesome diversion into whimsy in an unexpected place:
“Regardless of the weather, these romanciers introduced tenderness and warm compassionate mannerisms into the Teutonic milieu of Northern Europe, a social climate literally indistinguishable in its sexual violence from the Klingon empire.
This requires some explication of Klingon history. It wasn’t until the 14th century that the Klingon homeworld Qo’noS was inundated with the technologically advanced Hur’q. The invading Hur’q even went as far as to steal the sacred sword of Kahless the Unforgettable, a messianic Klingon responsible for the spiritual warrior creed of the Klingons, but also many of the brutal love rituals, such as glaring at one’s husband/wife with the most hostile expression possible, and also the ritual of at some point drawing blood with a large curved knife with a demon carved on the handle (a Klingon angel). The Klingons eventually repulsed from Qo’noS the Hur’q, and managed to reverse-engineer their transportation technology. This explains how such a crude, boorish race of sweating club-wielders could move into space, dilluting what had previously been a gentleman’s game, similar to the one played by our friends in Southern Europe.”
Not that I have a lot of consideration for knowing the minutiæ of Star Trek, mind.
And as so often here, something completely different. Some scary photos of how. fuсking. cold. Siberia is in winter. I can see a big part of the attraction of Israel, despite the violence, for the one-time inhabitants of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, at least.
Word of the day: la boca is Spanish, cognate with la bouche, also meaning ‘mouth.’ Maradona’s first early football
club, Boca Juniors, was named for that barrio in Buenos Aires located at the
mouth of the river Riachuelo where it empties into the Rio de la Plata,
where the Spanish New World tradition of prosaic naming came
into play.
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I guess that makes Jean Genet at least an honorary Klingon.