[COMMIT] #'byte-compile-normal-call; only examine properties of (car FORM) if a symbol

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 16:47:12 EST 2011

On 2/17/11 3:13 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
> On 2/16/11 1:30 PM, Aidan Kehoe wrote:
>>  Ar an cúigiú lá déag de mí Feabhra, scríobh Raymond Toy: 
>>  > On 2/14/11 1:29 PM, Aidan Kehoe wrote:
>>  > > 
>>  > >  Ar an triú lá déag de mí Feabhra, scríobh Raymond Toy: 
>>  > >  > Error attached. I'm using latest xemacs sources fresh from the hg
>>  > >  > repo yesterday. I'm attaching the Installation file, just for the
>>  > >  > record.
>>  > > 
>>  > > Ah, thanks. I suspect 5dd1ba5e0113 has fixed this, can you try again
>>  > > with a more recent build?
>>  > 
>>  > Ok.  I cloned xemacs yesterday (instead of xemacs-beta) and rebuilt it.
>>  >  Indeed that error is gone.  But now I get another error when it's
>>  > compiling semantic.  Error message attached.
>> Perfect, thanks for the report. As far as I can see, the warnings:
>> While compiling se-jump in file /Volumes/share2/src/xemacs/hg/xemacs-packages/packages/xemacs-packages/semantic/semantic-example.el:
>>   ** attempt to open-code anonymous lambda with too many arguments
>>   ** attempt to open-code anonymous lambda with too many arguments
>> reflect an actual problem that my recent changes made more evident. But I
>> don’t know enough about semantic to rush to change it, and I do know enough
>> about the byte compiler to rush to change *it*. 
> I've recompiled xemacs and tried building the packages.  It works fine. 
> It does break when trying to build the info files because I don't have
> tex.  I forgot to install tex, so I get to do this again.

Spoke too soon.  Now I'm getting an error when compiling sudoku.  Not
sure what happened previously, but I don't get far enough to run tex

Error appended below.


While compiling sudoku-mode-setup-modeline in file
  ** modeline-multibyte-status is an obsolete variable; use
modeline-coding-system instead.
While compiling sudoku-autoinsert:
  !! Wrong type argument ((symbolp (quote autoins)))
  backtrace(nil t)
  # bind (error-info)
  byte-compile-report-error((wrong-type-argument symbolp (quote autoins)))
  # bind (error-info)
  #<compiled-function (from
(error-info) "...(4)" [error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2
0xbf3>((wrong-type-argument symbolp (quote autoins)))
  symbol-name((quote autoins))
  # bind (copy-properties symbol)
  copy-symbol((quote autoins))
  # bind (body name)
  #<compiled-function (from
(name &rest body) "...(33)" [cl-macro-environment body name
cl-active-block-names copy-symbol progn put cl-block-name catch quote
cl-macroexpand-all] 5
("/Volumes/share/darwin10.6/share/xemacs-21.5-b29/lisp/cl-macs.elc" .
16959) 0xcb3>((quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let
((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from
(quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods)))
  #<subr macroexpand-internal>((block (quote autoins) (while (some
(function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and
deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) ((sudoku-foreach-cell . #<compiled-function
(cell &rest forms) "...(16)" [forms cell dotimes (i 9) (j 9) let ((cons
i j)) progn] 8 "Run FORMS for each CELL." 0xe7f>)
(sudoku-with-save-possibles . #<compiled-function (&rest forms) "...(6)"
[forms let ((sudoku-current-possibles (copy-tree
sudoku-current-possibles)))] 3 "Execute FORMS saving
`sudoku-current-possibles'." 0xe5d>) (sudoku-cell-ref .
#<compiled-function (cell board) "...(12)" [board cell nth car cdr] 5
0xe5a>) (byte-compiler-options . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest forms) "...(5)" [forms apply byte-compiler-options-handler] 3
0xbcc>) (eval-when-compile . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest body) "...(8)" [body quote byte-compile-eval progn] 4 0xbcd>)
(eval-and-compile . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest body) "...(10)" [body byte-compile-eval progn] 3 0xbce>) (the .
#<compiled-function (from
(type form) "...(31)" [byte-compile-delete-errors type form
cl-const-expr-p eval cl-make-type-test byte-compile-warn "%s is not of
type %s" the] 4 0xbcf>)))
  # bind (cl-macro-environment cl-env cl-macro)
  macroexpand((block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods)))
((sudoku-foreach-cell . #<compiled-function (cell &rest forms) "...(16)"
[forms cell dotimes (i 9) (j 9) let ((cons i j)) progn] 8 "Run FORMS for
each CELL." 0xe7f>) (sudoku-with-save-possibles . #<compiled-function
(&rest forms) "...(6)" [forms let ((sudoku-current-possibles (copy-tree
sudoku-current-possibles)))] 3 "Execute FORMS saving
`sudoku-current-possibles'." 0xe5d>) (sudoku-cell-ref .
#<compiled-function (cell board) "...(12)" [board cell nth car cdr] 5
0xe5a>) (byte-compiler-options . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest forms) "...(5)" [forms apply byte-compiler-options-handler] 3
0xbcc>) (eval-when-compile . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest body) "...(8)" [body quote byte-compile-eval progn] 4 0xbcd>)
(eval-and-compile . #<compiled-function (from
(&rest body) "...(10)" [body byte-compile-eval progn] 3 0xbce>) (the .
#<compiled-function (from
(type form) "...(31)" [byte-compile-delete-errors type form
cl-const-expr-p eval cl-make-type-test byte-compile-warn "%s is not of
type %s" the] 4 0xbcf>)))
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((block (quote autoins) (while (some
(function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and
deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((block (quote autoins) (while (some (function
(lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce
rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((unwind-protect (block (quote autoins)
(while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell
deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push
sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc)) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some
(function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and
deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push
sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc)) nil)
  # bind (rest result fe new all-for-effect forms)
  byte-optimize-body(((unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while
(some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce)))
(when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push
sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc))) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((let ((gc (or cell
(sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((let ((gc (or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb
(copy-tree sudoku-current-board))) (unwind-protect (block (quote
autoins) (while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun
cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t))
rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board)
(push sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc))) nil)
  # bind (rest result fe new all-for-effect forms)
  byte-optimize-body(((let ((gc (or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb
(copy-tree sudoku-current-board))) (unwind-protect (block (quote
autoins) (while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun
cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t))
rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board)
(push sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc)))) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((if (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) nil (let
((gc (or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree
sudoku-current-board))) (unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while
(some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce)))
(when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv)))
sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push
sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc)))) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((if (or (positivep sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell
(sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) nil (let ((gc (or cell
(sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc)))) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc)))) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((unless (or (positivep sudoku-current-pencil) (and
cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc (or cell
(sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc)))) nil)
  # bind (fn tmp for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form-code-walker((progn (unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))))) nil)
  # bind (for-effect form)
  byte-optimize-form((progn (unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))))) nil)
  # bind (byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables
byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth
byte-compile-output output-type for-effect form)
  byte-compile-top-level((progn (unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))))) nil lambda)
  # bind (compiled-int int doc body byte-compile-bound-variables arglist
  byte-compile-lambda((lambda (&optional cell deduce) "Fill cells with
only value possible.\nGoto CELL then.\nSuitable to be used with
`sudoku-after-change-hook'.\nIf `sudoku-autoinsert' raises \"Not a valid
move\" error\nthen it means it found contradiction, so some of your
previous moves\nwas incorrect.\nAuto-insert does not work for pencils."
(interactive) (unless (or (positivep sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell
(sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc (or cell (sudoku-current-cell)))
(sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board))) (unwind-protect (block (quote
autoins) (while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun
cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t))
rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board)
(push sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc))))))
  # bind (byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-free-references
that-one this-one that-kind this-kind name macrop form)
  byte-compile-file-form-defmumble((defun sudoku-autoinsert (&optional
cell deduce) "Fill cells with only value possible.\nGoto CELL
then.\nSuitable to be used with `sudoku-after-change-hook'.\nIf
`sudoku-autoinsert' raises \"Not a valid move\" error\nthen it means it
found contradiction, so some of your previous moves\nwas
incorrect.\nAuto-insert does not work for pencils." (interactive)
(unless (or (positivep sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell
(sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc (or cell (sudoku-current-cell)))
(sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board))) (unwind-protect (block (quote
autoins) (while (some (function (lambda (fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun
cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv) (return-from (quote autoins) t))
rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless (equal sb sudoku-current-board)
(push sb sudoku-boards-stack)) (sudoku-goto-cell gc))))) nil)
  # bind (form)
  byte-compile-file-form-defun((defun sudoku-autoinsert (&optional cell
deduce) "Fill cells with only value possible.\nGoto CELL then.\nSuitable
to be used with `sudoku-after-change-hook'.\nIf `sudoku-autoinsert'
raises \"Not a valid move\" error\nthen it means it found contradiction,
so some of your previous moves\nwas incorrect.\nAuto-insert does not
work for pencils." (interactive) (unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))))))
  # bind (byte-compile-current-form handler form)
  byte-compile-file-form((defun sudoku-autoinsert (&optional cell
deduce) "Fill cells with only value possible.\nGoto CELL then.\nSuitable
to be used with `sudoku-after-change-hook'.\nIf `sudoku-autoinsert'
raises \"Not a valid move\" error\nthen it means it found contradiction,
so some of your previous moves\nwas incorrect.\nAuto-insert does not
work for pencils." (interactive) (unless (or (positivep
sudoku-current-pencil) (and cell (sudoku-cell-empty-p cell))) (let ((gc
(or cell (sudoku-current-cell))) (sb (copy-tree sudoku-current-board)))
(unwind-protect (block (quote autoins) (while (some (function (lambda
(fun) (let ((rv (funcall fun cell deduce))) (when (and deduce rv)
(return-from (quote autoins) t)) rv))) sudoku-deduce-methods))) (unless
(equal sb sudoku-current-board) (push sb sudoku-boards-stack))
(sudoku-goto-cell gc))))))
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  #<compiled-function (from
"/Volumes/share/darwin10.6/share/xemacs-21.5-b29/lisp/bytecomp.elc") nil
"...(56)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions filename
byte-compile-inbuffer byte-compile-outbuffer goto-char point-max 1 " 	\n
                                                  " nil looking-at ";"
byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending
byte-compile-insert-header byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions]
4 0xbf4>()
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function (from
(error-info) "...(4)" [error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2 0xbf3>
#<compiled-function (from
"/Volumes/share/darwin10.6/share/xemacs-21.5-b29/lisp/bytecomp.elc") nil
"...(56)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions filename
byte-compile-inbuffer byte-compile-outbuffer goto-char point-max 1 " 	\n
                                                                  " nil
looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending
byte-compile-insert-header byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions]
4 0xbf4>)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (byte-compile-warnings-beginning byte-compile-point-max-prev
byte-compile-log-buffer byte-compile-macro-environment
byte-compile-function-environment byte-compile-autoload-environment
byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-bound-variables
byte-compile-free-references byte-compile-free-assignments
byte-compile-verbose byte-optimize byte-compile-emacs19-compatibility
byte-compile-checks-on-load byte-compile-dynamic
byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings byte-compile-warnings
byte-compile-file-domain byte-compile-outbuffer float-output-format
case-fold-search print-length print-level byte-compile-constants
byte-compile-variables byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth
byte-compile-maxdepth byte-compile-output
byte-compile-force-escape-quoted byte-compile-using-dynamic eval
filename byte-compile-inbuffer)
  byte-compile-from-buffer(#<buffer " *Compiler Input*">
  # bind (byte-compile-current-file target-file input-buffer
output-buffer byte-compile-dest-file load filename)
  byte-code("..." [file byte-compile-file t] 2)
or-message mapc #<compiled-function (from
"/Volumes/share/darwin10.6/share/xemacs-21.5-b29/lisp/bytecomp.elc") (x)
"...(8)" [x princ " " prin1] 2 0xc8e> "\n"] 3))))
  # bind (file)
  # bind (error file-to-process)
  # bind (error)
  # bind (arg)
  # bind (dir file-count line end-of-options file-p arg tem)
  # bind (command-line-args-left)
  # bind (error-data)
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)
>>Error occurred processing sudoku.el: Wrong type argument: symbolp,
(quote autoins)


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