bug: can't load comint version (matlab)

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Mon Feb 14 10:17:58 EST 2011


As I said in an earlier message, the newest version of
matlab + matlab.el only works with the comint version found
in xemacs-base 2.10. 

I have tried that so far in xemacs-21.4.21 (Kubuntu 8.04 and
9.04) and 21.5.29 compiled by myself.

However today I tried out xemacs-21.4.22 of Kubuntu 10.04
and there I could not load that specific comint version. I
obtained an error message which I attach.

I could circumvent the problem by compiling the 21.5.29
version I posses but I am puzzled, what is the source of the


Uwe Brauer 

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