Gnus package (was: xemacs vs emacs)

Reiner Steib reinersteib+gmane at
Sat Apr 5 06:28:25 EDT 2008

On Sat, Apr 05 2008, Mike Kupfer wrote:

>>>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib <reinersteib+gmane at> writes:
> Reiner> But even the versions in "pre-release" are outdated.  Gnus
> Reiner> 5.10.8 has been released on 2006-04-11.  We will release 5.10.10
> Reiner> soon.  Emacs 22.2 already contains the code corresponding to
> Reiner> this version.
> ...
> Reiner> I don't know which versions are in the stable XEmacs packages.
> The stable gnus package is 5.10.8 plus a patch.  The pre-release version
> is the stable version plus an additional two patches.

Now that you mention it, I remember that 5.10.8 already was in the
stable XEmacs packages.  Reading "5.10.8" in Norbert's pre-release
announcement, I incorrectly assumed that the stable package must be
older (with regards to the upstream version).  Sorry for the confusion
and thanks for clarifying.  Please accept my apologies for getting it
all wrong.

Are the patches you mention already integrated upstream in the v5-10

> As for it being outdated, well, hey, 5.10.8 is the latest stable
> release, isn't it?  When 5.10.10 is released, I'll start work to update
> the XEmacs package.

Thank you.

If you sync from v5-10, we could add a tag (we already have
"xemacs-pkg-1_90") to Gnus repository so the Gnus maintainers can find
out which code corresponds to which XEmacs package version (when
cherry-picking certain patches, tagging probably doesn't make much
sense).  So the answer to your question [1] is "yes".  (I found [1] by
searching for this tag.  If you have questions/information to/for the
Gnus maintainers/users, please send them to ding at as well (I
don't follow xemacs list regularly).  E.g. announcing the availability
of new Gnus XEmacs (pre-release) package on ding and/or gnu.emacs.gnus
is fine with me.

Bye, Reiner.

,----[ ]
| From: Mike Kupfer
| [...]
| By the way, the previous maintainer of the XEmacs Gnus package (Steve
| Youngs) mentioned to me that he would tag the Gnus CVS repository to
| indicate XEmacs packages.  For example, gnus-agent.el has a
| xemacs-pkg-1_90 tag.  Is that a practice you (the Gnus maintainers)
| would like me to continue?
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |

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