xemacs vs emacs

Mike Kupfer mike.kupfer at xemacs.org
Sat Apr 5 00:46:48 EDT 2008

>>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib <reinersteib+gmane at imap.cc> writes:

Reiner> But even the versions in "pre-release" are outdated.  Gnus
Reiner> 5.10.8 has been released on 2006-04-11.  We will release 5.10.10
Reiner> soon.  Emacs 22.2 already contains the code corresponding to
Reiner> this version.
Reiner> I don't know which versions are in the stable XEmacs packages.

The stable gnus package is 5.10.8 plus a patch.  The pre-release version
is the stable version plus an additional two patches.  ("pre-release"
and "stable" are with respect to XEmacs; they don't necessarily refer to
the upstream release level.)

As for it being outdated, well, hey, 5.10.8 is the latest stable
release, isn't it?  When 5.10.10 is released, I'll start work to update
the XEmacs package.


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