Announcing introspector.el, for examining faces, extents, etc.

Steve Youngs steve at
Sun Mar 9 22:49:55 EDT 2008

* Stephen J Turnbull <stephen at> writes:

  > - frame-utils.el, providing two functions to create frames with
  > minimal decorations, such as would be useful with tooltips and the
  > like.  Unfortunately, under 21.4 I've found a focus problem (the tip
  > frame should not get keyboard focus, but it does) and a decoration
  > problem (I can't get the title bar to disappear).

Neither of these are a problem under SXEmacs.  Lookie...


  > - introspector.el

Haven't looked at this yet, but definitely will.

  > Install it as usual.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll have to
  > explicitly load the introspector library.  This does two invasive
  > things:
  > (1) it binds C-h = to `buffer-position-introspector', and

How about `C-h +'?  It's currently undefined, and the `+' kinda suggests
"more info".  Though I'm not sure that a key-binding is appropriate.  I
understand that it is just a frame and you can pop up a new frame via
the keyboard, but this one gives the illusion of being a tooltip thing
or a dialog.  Maybe a mouse binding would be better?

  > Possibly this should be set up as a minor mode (comments welcome), and
  > then it would be no problem to have autoloads for the user-visible
  > entry points.

Good idea, I think.

  > Testing and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I think it
  > would be appropriate to put frame-utils in xemacs-base, if we can work
  > out the issues with 21.4.

A couple of years back, you patched balloon-help so its frames would be
undecorated.  I know that patch went into SXEmacs, but I'm not sure if
it made it into XEmacs 21.4.  I bet you another beer that that patch
will fix frame-utils for 21.4. :-)

  > I'm of two minds about introspector, it could go into xemacs-devel,
  > but maybe it should go into xemacs-base so that all users can use it
  > to gather information for bug reports.

I'd put them both in the same package.  Doesn't really matter which,
-base or -devel seem equally appropriate to me.

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