Announcing introspector.el, for examining faces, extents, etc.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sun Mar 9 06:40:24 EDT 2008

introspector is a package I've had in a sandbox for a while.  It's
basically 21.5-ready, but I wanted to put it in xemacs-base and
xemacs-devel so it could be used with 21.4, too.  introspector
consists of

- frame-utils.el, providing two functions to create frames with
minimal decorations, such as would be useful with tooltips and the
like.  Unfortunately, under 21.4 I've found a focus problem (the tip
frame should not get keyboard focus, but it does) and a decoration
problem (I can't get the title bar to disappear).  These probably
aren't show-stopperse, but they're horribly ugly.

- introspector.el, providing a popup version of `what-cursor-position'
which also provides more extensive information such as extents and
faces touching point.  This is based on a general framework for
inspecting buffer objects.

I'm not sure how useful the general framework is, but the frame
utilities and the popup `buffer-position-introspector' are quite
useful as they are.

A git repository may be available later, but for now the package is
available as an XEmacs package at

Install it as usual.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll have to
explicitly load the introspector library.  This does two invasive
(1) it binds C-h = to `buffer-position-introspector', and
(2) adds a pre-command-hook to pop down the introspector popup on any
Possibly this should be set up as a minor mode (comments welcome), and
then it would be no problem to have autoloads for the user-visible
entry points.

Testing and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I think it
would be appropriate to put frame-utils in xemacs-base, if we can work
out the issues with 21.4.  I'm of two minds about introspector, it
could go into xemacs-devel, but maybe it should go into xemacs-base
so that all users can use it to gather information for bug reports.

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