21.5 screen resize issue

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Nov 28 14:41:31 EST 2007

Ron Isaacson writes:

 > This is a bit of a weird one... when using XEmacs 21.5 inside
 > screen(1), and using multiple frames, XEmacs sometimes goes bonkers
 > when I resize the terminal window.

Replicated in a Mac OS X Terminal over ssh with 21.5.28.

I did manage to get the values of (frame-height) and (frame-width),
and they are in fact 2 and 3 respectively.  Evidently something is
going wrong with communication of the terminal dimensions.

I don't know what's going on, but I did manage to replicate as

1. start "xemacs -vanilla &" as an X application
2. in the X frame, M-x gnuserv-start RET
3. in the Terminal window, "screen", then "gnuclient junk" in screen
4. C-x 5 2
5. Type "Hello"
6. Resize the Terminal window
7. Type something

and observe the anomoly.  Having the X frame should help reduce the
annoyance of querying XEmacs for what it thinks is going on, at least.

If you are going to be trying to debug this, note that there has been
active work on frame dimensioning since 21.5.27.  The bug is still
there, but probably you should be using CVS XEmacs to work on this.

Mike, any thoughts?

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