21.5 screen resize issue

Ron Isaacson Ron.Isaacson at morganstanley.com
Tue Nov 27 16:38:16 EST 2007

Hi all --

This is a bit of a weird one... when using XEmacs 21.5 inside
screen(1), and using multiple frames, XEmacs sometimes goes bonkers
when I resize the terminal window.

I've got a set of steps to reproduce the problem, using:

  - RedHat Linux (tried EL3 and FC5)
  - XEmacs 21.5.27
  - screen 4.00.02
  - Any type of terminal (PuTTY, xterm, etc.)

Here are the steps:

  1. Open an 80x24 terminal window, and start screen.

  2. Inside screen, start xemacs, and use C-x 5 2 to create a new
     frame. Type "Hello".

  3. Resize the terminal to something larger than 80x24. You should
     notice that XEmacs APPEARS to handle the resize correctly -- your
     "Hello" is in the top-left corner, and the modeline moves to the
     bottom and spans the full width of the terminal.

  4. Now try typing. Does everything work normally?

When I do this, XEmacs seems to behave as if it's inside a terminal
that's only 2 characters wide x 3 characters tall, positioned in the
top-left corner of the real terminal. If I press M-<, what I actually
see is:

  H$   <-- truncated "Hello"
  --   <-- the modeline
  M\   <-- truncated "Mark set" from M-<

Recovering from this is very tricky. It's not enough to put the
terminal back to its previous size; I need to actually delete the
frame (C-x 5 0), and sometimes still adjust the size of the terminal
for it to really recover.

Using 21.4, everything seems to work correctly. And with no frames,
there's no problem. Anybody know what might be going on here? Any
suggestions for how I might track this down?


Ron Isaacson
Morgan Stanley
ron.isaacson at morganstanley.com / (212) 276-1144

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