And now for something completely different

Aidan Kehoe kehoea at
Fri Jun 8 15:10:04 EDT 2007

 Ar an cúigiú lá de mí Meitheamh, scríobh David Kastrup: 

 > [...] Some first suggestions in the core area might be font-locking,
 > startup options, encoding detection, the follow-link stuff, the M-g
 > prefix and maybe some search&replace stuff (if that's not synched
 > already: the ability to put Lisp code into regexp replacements with \,
 > has enthused some people, but then I would be susceptible to notice).

Yeah, that (the Lisp code in regexp replacements) looks awesome.

M-g as goto-line seems eminently suited and always has. The GNU Emacs build
of a couple of months ago lists these as the M-g bindings: 

M-g g		goto-line
M-g n		next-error
M-g p		previous-error
M-g M-g		goto-line
M-g M-n		next-error
M-g M-p		previous-error

Were you referring to something else? That seems kind of underwhelming. 

 > Anyway, it might be worth going through the etc/NEWS file available at
 > <URL:>
 > and seeing whether something particularly interesting strikes the eye.

Thank you for the pointer!

On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)

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