And now for something completely different

David Kastrup dak at
Tue Jun 5 04:30:44 EDT 2007

In a whole different universe, Emacs 22.1 has been released.  The code
base for what is intended to stabilize into the 22.x release series is
in an EMACS_22_BASE branch.  It is not yet clear what kind of work
will commence on the trunk in the near future.

In any case, now is probably the sanest time (for some time to come)
to consider synching with core packages and functionality, thus
narrowing the gap for Emacs and XEmacs programmers again.  The focus
of Emacs 22.1 have been improvements all over the board, and this also
involves quite a bit of extensions in functionality.

Some first suggestions in the core area might be font-locking, startup
options, encoding detection, the follow-link stuff, the M-g prefix and
maybe some search&replace stuff (if that's not synched already: the
ability to put Lisp code into regexp replacements with \, has enthused
some people, but then I would be susceptible to notice).

Anyway, it might be worth going through the etc/NEWS file available at
and seeing whether something particularly interesting strikes the eye.

David Kastrup

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