[Fwd: [NON-WHL] Copying and pasting]

Ben Wing ben at xemacs.org
Thu Apr 12 09:17:31 EDT 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[NON-WHL] Copying and pasting
Date: 	Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:37:09 +0200
From: 	Andersson Fredrik Y <fredrik.y.andersson at saabgroup.com>
To: 	<ben.wing at xemacs.org>


I have been using Xemacs for more than ten years and are now in charge 
of it at work. We have a new user who is not using the keyboard for 
copying and pasting, instead she uses the mouse and this leads to a 
problem. In Sweden we use the characters ÅåÄäÖö and when she mark the 
text with her mouse and then moves down in the document and pushes the 
middle button these characters get corrupt. I suspect it has something 
to do with elisp code but I am not qualified to find this problem. Do 
you have any ideas how to solve this problem, any help would be highly 

I use xemacs.1386  21.4.17-0-FC3, Redhat Enterprise 4, KDE, echo $LANG 
=> en_us.iso885915

::Fredrik :-)

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