Copying and pasting

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu Mar 29 10:55:08 EDT 2007

Cc'ing XEmacs Beta, which is the appropriate place for this kind of

Andersson Fredrik Y writes:

 > I have been using Xemacs for more than ten years and are now in
 > charge of it at work. We have a new user who is not using the keyboard
 > for copying and pasting, instead she uses the mouse and this leads to
 > a problem. In Sweden we use the characters ÅåÄäÖö and when she mark
 > the text with her mouse and then moves down in the document and pushes
 > the middle button these characters get corrupt.

This may have a workaround in recent releases of the 21.4 series.  It
would help to identify the problem if you could post the original text
and the exact sequence of corrupt characters.

 > I use xemacs.1386 21.4.17-0-FC3, Redhat Enterprise 4, KDE, echo
 > $LANG => en_us.iso885915

The current version of XEmacs is 21.4.20.  You could try updating to
that, which has a large number of other fixes in it relative to
21.4.17.  If that doesn't help, I'm pretty sure there are ways to work
around but without seeing the corruption in question, I don't know
which to apply.

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