the first difficulties in syncr auctex 11.84

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull at
Thu Feb 8 22:13:08 EST 2007

Mats Lidell writes:

 > >>>>> Uwe wrote:
 > Uwe> The point is I want to use the CVS directory of the official
 > Uwe> XEmacs-auctex ...

Note that ./CVS/ is only for CVS itself.  Neither the package nor the
build infrastructure cares if there is a CVS directory at all!  Nor
does the name matter.  What I would do here is create an 00auctex
package as follows:

1.  cd .../xemacs-packages
2.  cvs -d $AUCTEX_CVS checkout -d 00auctex -r $RELEASE_11_84 $AUCTEX_MODULE
3.  cp auctex/Makefile 00auctex/Makefile.original # for diff'ing convenience
4.  cp auctex/Makefile 00auctex/Makefile
5.  cp auctex/ 00auctex/
6.  cd 00auctex
7.  mv CVS CVS.upstream                             # no more updates until
                                                    # package works!
8.  xemacs Makefile                 # bump version numbers
                                                    # change name to 00auctex

With permission and cooperation from Norbert, you could actually check
in 00auctex (obviously we want no releases and not to put it in SUMO
until you say "go!").  This will give you load-path shadows, of
course, and you'll need to deal with that if old auctex comes first
(but I think that 00auctex < auctex so 00auctex will win).  The big
advantage is that you can use PUI to manage switching between the two
packages for testing and "real work".

Alternatively, we can make you an "unsupported/uwe" directory, and you
can install the new auctex stuff in there as "auctex".  This is what
Ville Skyttä is doing with "vc".  IIRC, all you need to do is change
the "include ../../XEmacs.Rules" statement in the Makefile to "include
../../../XEmacs.Rules" to reflect that you're one level deeper in the
hierarchy.  However, this requires some discipline about remembering
which AUCTeX you have installed (this package will install into
xemacs-packages as auctex), and you could easily end up with a broken
AUCTeX system when you can't afford it.

At this point you've got a new package that you can work with locally.
When you're happy that 00auctex is ready for developers to work

9.  cd .../xemacs-packages
10. cvs commit -m "don't lose any current work!" auctex
11. mv auctex/CVS 00auctex/CVS
12. rm -rf auctex
13. mv 00auctex auctex
14. cvs commit -m "Update to 11.84." auctex          # Yay!!

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