the first difficulties in syncr auctex 11.84

Mats Lidell matsl at
Thu Feb 8 18:28:02 EST 2007

>>>>> Uwe wrote:

Uwe> The point is I want to use the CVS directory of the official
Uwe> XEmacs-auctex ...

I must be missing something. You should use the official CVS folder
but a way to do that is to drop in the auctex distribution, add the
styles and preview folders, delete all contents in the etc folder, and
then carfully change some of the other files like the Makefile and
remove files not needed.

Uwe> and also don't want to use .configure.

This is just a run-once-manually-thing to get the files generated. The
generated files will go into CVS. No configure step is needed in the
build process.

Uwe> But at the end it must be the same, the resulting Makefile and
Uwe> all the other generated files should be merged into the CVS
Uwe> directory. 


Uwe> This is what I am trying, maybe I should move other files as
Uwe> well. I also had a look into the XEmacs pkg as generated by the
Uwe> auctex team, they don't have the tex-site nor the auctex.el file
Uwe> which is sitting in their source directory.

I haven't consulted the XEmacs package that auctex are producing so I
don't know how tex-site.el fits into that picture.

Uwe> I am puzzled. In earlier versions tex-site got generated and was
Uwe> essential in the current version this file is gone, although
Uwe> there are a lot of calls to that file in the Makefile and in
Uwe> other lisp files.

tex-site.el is generated in the Makefile that results from running
configure so it still seems to be generated.

Uwe> make: *** No rule to make target `tex-site.el.OUT', needed by
Uwe> `tex-site.el'.  Stop.

This is because you need to generate tex-site.el.OUT by running
configure and rename tex-site.el.out to tex-site.el.OUT. The later to
avoid the .out-rule that causes a circular dependency.

This step above is actually not needed. tex-site.el could equally well
be constructed once and for all and we could remove the generation
rule. I only kept that for beeing close to the distribution. Look for
the rule beginning with: "tex-site.el: tex-site.el.OUT ..." It
describes how tex-site.el is generated. Follow that recipe and create
tex-site.el and remove everything about tex-site.el beeing generated
from the Makefile.

%% Mats

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