Patches for ruby-modes

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sat Dec 16 04:29:32 EST 2006

Mike Kupfer writes:

 > >>>>> "Mats" == Mats Lidell <matsl at> writes:
 > Mats> From the MAINTAINERs file the ruby-modes are maintained by the
 > Mats> XEmacs Development Team. I'm not sure what that means. 
 > AFAICT, it basically means that there's no dedicated maintainer.  So
 > changes only happen if someone happens to find some time and has
 > interest.

Well, that's true of the dedicated maintainer, too. :-)  It's just
that when there is a dedicated maintainer (1) somebody has expressed
a strong interest and at that time had time, so chances are good that
they'll do something about a bug report, and (2) we'll refer posts to
XEmacs Beta to them, and wait a couple of weeks before deciding they
went AWOL.

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