Xemacs crashes on opening file

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jun 19 15:51:43 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Johan" == Johan Alwall <alwall at tsl.uu.se> writes:

    Johan> I am running the latest version of Xemacs installed by Fink
    Johan> on my Mac OS X 10.4 system, and it crashes (almost)
    Johan> whenever I try to open a file.

In fact, it's crashing in the progress gauge, which is a known issue,
although we don't know how to solve it yet.  You can work around that
issue by putting

(setq progress-feedback-use-echo-area t)

in your init file, which disables the buggy code.  However, you really
should find a way to get a current build based on your actual system;
a version skew from Darwin 7.5 to Darwin 8.6 is pretty huge, and the
differences between Panther and Tiger are enough to destabilize almost

    Johan> I don't understand why Xemacs would think I have
    Johan> darwin-7.5.

It doesn't.  That is the version of the system on which the package
was built.  Obviously Fink has not updated XEmacs in years.  The
current version of the stable release is 21.4.19.

You might have better luck with DarwinPorts (which normally builds
from source), or getting Fink to build XEmacs from source for you.  Or
you could just download XEmacs and build it yourself.  The main issue
is getting it pointed at the packages.

    Johan> I have tried to produce a core file by setting
    Johan> ulimit -c unlimited before running xemacs, but it doesn't
    Johan> seem to work, sorry.

For some reason Darwin likes to keep cores in /cores/.

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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