[Bug: 21.4.17] Emacs crashed when trying to change faces

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jun 6 00:48:59 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Chertok <dchertok at deerfieldcapital.com> writes:

    Daniel> Here is a log of a crash that occurred when I tried to
    Daniel> edit faces:

Thank you for your report.  While there's not enough information here
to diagnose your crash, I can say that a couple of bugs were fixed in
the last few months, and recommend upgrading the most recent available
version (at this writing 21.4.19).

If possible, when you do, please build XEmacs with the symbol table
(cc -g and not stripped, the default configuration on all platforms as
far as I know).  C backtraces in stripped binaries are almost useless
unless you have access to the executable and the host on which the
backtrace was produced, and even then analysis is very painful.

Also, you say you were trying to edit faces, but the Lisp backtrace
seems to indicate that XEmacs was in the process of making an SQL
request when it crashed.  (See below.)  Does that make any sense to
you?  Had you been interacting with an SQL server before trying to
edit faces?


  read-minibuffer-internal("Server: ")
  byte-code("..." [standard-output standard-input prompt recursion-depth minibuffer-depth t read-minibuffer-internal] 2)
  # (catch exit ...)
  # bind (mouse-grabbed-buffer current-prefix-arg minibuffer-history-variable minibuffer-history-position minibuffer-scroll-window)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (minibuffer-default _history_ oconfig mconfig frame buffer window oframe owindow dir default abbrev-table history readp keymap initial-contents prompt)
  read-from-minibuffer("Server: " "" nil nil (sql-get-server-hist . 2))
  # bind (initial history offset symbol prompt)
  sql-string-prompt("Server: " sql-get-server-hist 2)
  (list (sql-string-prompt "Server: " (quote sql-get-server-hist) 2))
  # bind (colon)
  #<compiled-function nil "...(30)" [truncate-lines sql-vendor sql-buffer-name sql-set-server-and-user sql-set-vendor get-buffer-create get-buffer-process t sql-start-interpreter sql-show-buffer] 2 ("/usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.17/xemacs-packages/lisp/sql/sql-mode.elc" . 19819) nil>()
  command-execute(sql t)
  # bind (_execute_command_keys_ _execute_command_name_ prefix-arg)
  # bind (command-debug-status)
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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