[Bug: 21.5-b27] MH-E: Hangs on "Fontifying inbox"

Mike Kupfer mike.kupfer at sun.com
Wed May 31 13:35:12 EDT 2006

>>>>> "sjt" == Stephen J Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> writes:

sjt> [As long as I've got your attention, any well-known
sjt> free-as-in-free-beer products you'd like to be submitting bugs to,
sjt> or would like to avoid?  Ignore what I said about my preferences
sjt> for this purpose. :-]

Unfortunately, we don't have a decent bug tracking system set up for
OpenSolaris yet.  So my experience with free BTS's is limited to the few
packages I've filed bugs against.  I don't have any experience with free
BTS's from a code owner point of view.

That said, Bugzilla and Roundup seem okay to me.  Mercurial uses
Roundup, and I haven't seen any complaints on the mercurial mailing list.

Mike> But for bugs where it's not immediately obvious what the problem
Mike> is, or how to fix it, a bug tracker provides a convenient place to
Mike> put all the notes related to the bug.[...]

sjt> All true, if developers are actually using the BTS.  But if they
sjt> are not, the information tends not to collect in one place; it gets
sjt> spread across a bunch of uncorrelated bugs.

Good point, it does require a certain amount of discipline on the part
of bug submitters to see if there's already an open bug.  Or one or more
people to comb the database, looking for duplicates.


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