[Bug: 21.5-b27] Gnuclient windows shrinking in console

Timothy Beyer beyert at cs.ucr.edu
Tue May 30 22:43:21 EDT 2006

At Sat, 20 May 2006 16:55:48 +0200,
Michael Sperber wrote:

> > To see the bug,
> >
> >  - xemacs -vanilla
> >  - in the scratch buffer, execute (gnuserv-start)
> >  - in a terminal window, give the command gnuclient -nw
> >  - in the terminal XEmacs window, edit a new file
> I'm afraid that doesn't work (i.e. break) for me.  Can anyone else
> reproduce the problem?

I have recently tried xemacs under much more conservative
configurations, namely:

-not compiling in support for mule
-only using the default packages installed by the xemacs-packages
port, not in my home directory like I was previously
-moved .xemacs and .emacs to other locations
-used xterm instead of eterm
-tried running xemacs under zsh instead of tcsh (changed login shell
to do this)

and I still have the problem on any recent development version.

Can someone try the following instead of my initial steps to see if
they get the bug?

1) xemacs -vanilla (make sure this is started as an X11 window, not -nw)
2) in the scratch buffer, execute (gnuserv-start)
3) in a terminal window, give the command gnuclient -nw name_of_existing_file

4) then type C-x C-f, followed by C-g

* repeat 4) several times, on my system the horizontal display keeps
* on shrinking with each cancellation of the find-file command, as
well as (most?) other commands.

Otherwise, I have no idea why I can't get rid of this problem, if
anyone has any ideas on what might be my misconfiguration, I would be
very interested to know...

P.S. I was aware of Michael Sperber's fix to window-xemacs.el, but I
was also thinking of this fix to 21.5b24 that states:

2005-11-18  Aidan Kehoe  <kehoea at parhasard.net>

	* window.c (change_window_height): Have change_window_height
	change the window width when requested to do so; fixes bugs and
	error messages with VM, BBDB.

Shouldn't this fix have also fixed my problem? I'm not sure yet, but
as of right now I think that the problem I'm having is in the C
portion, not the lisp api.

I could be wrong on this, but I would be interested to know if anyone
else can reproduce my problem.

I'm not subscribed to the list right now, so could people please Cc:
me any replies.  Thanks.


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