Fonts for tabs and menus using Xft!?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue May 9 06:19:51 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Lidell <matsl at> writes:

    sjt> Post the resources you're using, and also the chatter from
    sjt> the Xft debug messages.  (Set xft-debug-level > 0, 1 should
    sjt> be enough.)

    Mats> * Resources

    Mats> * Chatter

It all looks normal to me.  Check your Installation and make sure that
you explicitly specified --with-xft=tabs,... (there were bugs in
configure; --with-xft=all and bare --with-xft didn't work for many

Also, if you can, try running xemacs under a debugger and use the
debugger's set command to set debug_tabs=3 before starting XEmacs.
This will produce a huge amount of chatter, so you don't want to run
that way for very long.  But I think the information we need is
printed out during initialization, so probably you can just shut it
down after that.

I think you can just grep stderr for "^font:              name=",
which should give the information we need.

BTW, I just committed a new node "Xft Font Configuration" (a subnode
of "Faces") to CVS.  Next time you update and rebuild, take a look and
let me know what you think.  Don't hesitate to mention things that I
obviously would have seen for myself, it will help to establish

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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