Fonts for tabs and menus using Xft!?

Mats Lidell matsl at
Tue May 9 02:46:15 EDT 2006

>>>>> sjt wrote:

sjt> It may only be in the Internals manual.  Remind me to check :-)

There was something there.

sjt> Post the resources you're using, and also the chatter from the
sjt> Xft debug messages.  (Set xft-debug-level > 0, 1 should be
sjt> enough.)

* Resources

XEmacs*Tabs.xftFont: Arial-9:Bold
XEmacs*menubar.xftFont: Arial-9:Bold
XEmacs.modeline.attributeFont: Arial-10
XEmacs.default.attributeFont: Arial-10

* Chatter

initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:weight=200
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:weight=200
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:slant=100
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:weight=200
checking if Arial-10:hintstyle=3 handles English
Xft font Arial-10:hintstyle=3 supports en
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:style=Regular:slant=0:weight=80:pixelsize=10.4167:foundry=monotype:hintstyle=3:outline=True:scalable=True:dpi=75
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
checking if Arial-10:hintstyle=3 handles English
Xft font Arial-10:hintstyle=3 supports en
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:style=Bold:slant=0:weight=200:pixelsize=10.4167:foundry=monotype:hintstyle=3:outline=True:scalable=True:dpi=75
checking if Arial-10:hintstyle=3 handles English
Xft font Arial-10:hintstyle=3 supports en
initialized metrics ascent 10 descent 3 width 6 height 12
initialized font Arial-10:style=Italic:slant=100:weight=80:pixelsize=10.4167:foundry=monotype:hintstyle=3:outline=True:scalable=True:dpi=75

%% Mats

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