xemacs trouble maximizing window

Peter Glassenbury (CSSE) P.Glassenbury at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
Tue May 2 00:59:48 EDT 2006

Hi there,

I am running a site with Fedora Core 4
Linux  2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005 i686 athlon i386 
under Gnome desktop 2.10.0
with Xemacs installed.

The problem we have is when you maximize the Xemacs window,
it  "goes bonkers". 
We start Xemacs and then click on the "Maximize Window" button on
top right. This makes the window full screen and then flashes the
tab line (*scratch) as fast as it can go... the flash screen "Xemacs" is
also flashing. It is possible to continue work but the flashing continues
even while you do other things.. typing etc works ok.
The only way to stop the flashing
is to click on the full screen and drop back to default size. The
problem does not happen when resizing by click and drag of the corner.

The problem ONLY happens with xemacs and no other application
has had the problem.

The version we were running was 21.4.17_03 but I have today
installed rpm's for 21.4.18 and then 21.4.19. The problem is still
there. It also happened with FC3
(It was a minor hassle and we hoped it would go away with an
update of xemacs and/or OS but it hasn't hence the report.)

The workaround is, of course, to not use the maximize window
button. It is a hassle though.

Can someone else try and let me know if "it works for them" ??
(or better still a way to fix it :-) )


Peter Glassenbury			Computer Science dept.
pete at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz		University of Canterbury
+64 3 3642987 ext 7762			New Zealand

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