All auto-autoloads being loaded on startup after installing dvc.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Mar 9 00:39:10 EST 2011

Executive Summary for Busy Bosses:

Raymond Toy writes:

 > I guess I was confused about where things go, because they used to go in
 > different places long ago (I think), and since I don't build xemacs very
 > often, I wasn't paying attention.

That's as it should be! ;-)

 > It turns out that share/xemacs/site-lisp is completely empty.  No files.
 >  Is there supposed to be a default.el there or somewhere else?

Not really in modern usage.

Optional Reading for Those Fascinated by Archaeology:

In fact, since the Lucid Emacs days, the "normal" layout of systems
has changed substantially, and XEmacs has been dragged, kicking and
screaming:-) into the modern age of FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard) etc conformance.

This was somewhat painful as there are various requirements, including
backward compatibility where possible, besides standard conformance.
Mike, for example, worked for several years to turn the "normal"
XEmacs installation into a 100% relative-location system (requires
--without-prefix configure option), such that you could tar up the
whole installed XEmacs tree, unpack it anywhere (at least on a POSIX
system), point PATH at the XEmacs binary, and everything would work.
(Assuming of course that the XEmacs binary was compatible with the CPU
on the host where it's unpacked. :-)  Other people wanted a system
that could host binaries for several versions and architectures to be
shared by automounting appropriate shares over NFS, and share Lisp
globally.  Others wanted an /opt-style layout, where all XEmacs stuff
would live in /opt/XEmacs-$VERSION-$ARCH or similar.  With appropriate
configuration, all of these, plus run-in-place with in-core-source-tree
packages or installed packages, are now possible.  Actually, as of
21.4, but Mike has been improving the system, as well as moving Lisp
and Info to $prefix/share, in 21.5.

The idea behind multiple startup files was as follows:

site-start:  Fixes that are site-specific and XEmacs may not run
             correctly without them (eg, handling of automounts and
             top-level symlinks for search paths, such as the problem
             that bit you -- Mike has this mostly automated)
default:     Site customizations, such as a splash screen or local
             site-wide help facilities or Lisp library collections.
init:        Personal customizations.

But few people share Emacs binaries that way anymore, and improvements
in both XEmacs and distros have made site-start almost obsolete.  In
modern workstation-per-person practice, everything goes into the init

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