[Bug: 21.5-b29] Xemacs ignores custom.el

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Mar 7 23:38:01 EST 2011

Sparapani, Rodney writes:

 > But, it works for stable.  What has changed to make this not work
 > anymore?

A large number of changes at several levels of code (lwlib, core C,
Lisp) in several areas (high-level redisplay, face handling, MULE)
have been made, for many different reasons.

Identifying what causes this is going to need to be done by somebody
who can observe the problem, I suspect.

 > As someone who uses stable on a daily basis, it would really help if there was
 > a beta available for testing that doesn't need some special setup.

That would be nice, but that's not the way that betas work, by
definition.  If betas could be expected to Just Work, they'd be
stable.  I also don't think it's reasonable to expect any X
application to work as expected without app-specific setup, in the
face of xrdb spam like that shown in your report.  "*Font", indeed!
<snort />

That said, there is an XEmacs bug here.  Customize *is* app-specific
setup and *should* override the xrdb.  But I don't have a guess
offhand why it doesn't.  It would be nice if somebody who can
reproduce the problem would single step through the custom-set-faces
call to see at what point the attempt to apply the custom face fails
(if it does; I suppose it's also possible that customize succeeds but
some kind of post-processing code gets invoked that proceeds to check
for xrdb settings and overrides customize again).

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