multi-line colorization

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Mon Mar 7 22:22:20 EST 2011

Adam Sjøgren writes:

 > Is there anything any of us can do to help? What are the
 > roadblocks?

The main roadblock right now is day (and often night) job.  I thought
things should lighten up around mid-February, but that turned out not
to be the case.  Get me fired, and I'll have some time to work on it.
Maybe. ;-)

It's also hard to build up much enthusiasm for losing sleep in order
to condense about 100kB of ChangeLogs into release notes when AFAIK
there are no patches in the queue that require a GPLv3 XEmacs before
they can be applied.

XEmacs cannot incorporate such patches until the license conversion
takes place.  However, that doesn't stop you from developing and
submitting them -- you can do anything you want in that respect on
your own machine, and submit the result with a GPLv3+ license clearly
stated.  Once they start coming in, it will be much harder to choose
sleep over XEmacs. :-)

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