Release plans

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Mar 1 06:14:17 EST 2011

David Kastrup writes:

 > I could have just quit after you calling me "just paranoid" instead of
 > giving an explicit example of a problematic case.

I didn't say you weren't helpful, just that you could try harder than
than that last message, which was unproductive in all respects.

Eg, I don't *know* that (setq custom-file ...) *is* a problem; it
seems quite likely to me that Mike tests for that and does something
about it in the migration process.  But I don't *know* that he did, so
I conceded you have a point.

The point about second-guessing is that if you get to the point where
the user says "I want to...", either he knows what he's doing (OK),
he's perverse (not much you can do about that), or you've given him
misinformation, or too little information.  That last is bad, but the
asking for confirmation again is no solution; that only teaches him
that Emacs sucks.  The solution is to give the right information in
the first place!  Or, to fix the process so it's not so dangerous.
Or, as you've suggested before, not to do it at all.

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