xemacs vs emacs

Mats Lidell matsl at xemacs.org
Tue Apr 8 18:07:11 EDT 2008

>>>>> David Kastrup <dak at gnu.org> writes:

David> Let's not forget that this has taken _XEmacs_ developers two
David> years.  So it seems complicated enough 
David> [...]

I'm afraid that lead times in hobby projects don't say much about
whether things are complicated or not. Sometimes, always!?, the
complicated and interesting stuff gets solved long before the boring
maintenance jobs. This is a maintenance job.

David> [...]

David> I mean, it is nice that something is happening after all, but it is
David> clearly lunatic to claim that it somehow has been my fault for not
David> seeing how simple everything is under XEmacs and solving this with a
David> limp shake of a wrist.

I'm sorry if you take it that way. It was not my intention to imply
anything about you. I just felt that your list of obstacles was way to
long to describe the problem.

%% Mats

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