How to determine what face is associated with a bit of text?

Steve Youngs steve at
Mon Apr 7 10:07:02 EDT 2008

* skip  <skip at> writes:

  > I'm having trouble figuring out what face is used to render a particular bit
  > of text.  See the attached PNG.  I'm particularly interested in the
  > hard-to-read green text.  (This was clipped from an ipython comint buffer.)
  > Given a random bit of text is there some way to determine the face used to
  > render it?

(defun describe-face-at-point ()
  "Describe faces at point."
  (let ((faces (get-char-property (point) 'face)))
    (if (listp faces)
	  #'(lambda (f)
	      (symbol-name f)) faces "\\|") nil)
      (hyper-describe-face faces)
      (other-window 1))))

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