Gnus package

Mike Kupfer mike.kupfer at
Sat Apr 5 21:44:19 EDT 2008

>>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib <reinersteib+gmane at> writes:

Reiner> I suppose this is this patch?

Reiner> 2004-01-27 Jerry James <james at> (tiny change)

Reiner> * gnus-spec.el (gnus-parse-simple-format): Fix setq value
Reiner> 	omission.

Right (sorry for not providing a more precise reference).

Reiner> Hm, (setq dontinsert) is the same as (setq dontinsert nil) in
Reiner> Emacs.  OTOH, setting dontinsert to nil is a no-op here.

Hmm.  I didn't try to verify correctness, so I can't comment on what the
right value should be.

MikeK> I don't see this one, either.  I don't know if Aidan has approached
MikeK> someone on the Gnus team about it yet.

Reiner> No.  In the form discussed in
Reiner> <> it's
Reiner> not suitable for inclusion since it would break on Emacs.

Okay.  I don't have time to pursue this right now, but I've added a note
to myself about it.  Or maybe Aidan will get to it first.

MikeK> I didn't look in CVS, but Katsumi Yamaoka said the third patch (or
MikeK> something equivalent) is in the v5-10 branch (see

Reiner> I don't know how you solved the problem in XEmacs, but I'd
Reiner> suggest to check if you can use Katsumi Yamaoka's approach
Reiner> instead of a different one.

Yes, I'm planning to look into that when I do update to 5.10.10.  (My
goal for all the packages I maintain is zero local patches.)

MikeK> Though I keep forgetting about that pesky issue of compatible GPL
MikeK> versions.  That could delay things. :-(

Reiner> Didn't you (XEmacs) decide to switch to GPLv3 as well?  I seem
Reiner> to recall Steven wrote something like this recently.

I've seen discussion of it, but I'll have to let Stephen explain what
the current status is.

Reiner> On a second thought, if you only sync with upstream releases, we
Reiner> don't really need xemacs-pkg-* tags because it would be the same
Reiner> as the v5-10-* release tag.

Okay.  If for some reason I need to sync with a non-release snapshot,
I'll mail ding to work out getting it tagged appropriately.


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