Can't connect via gnuclient

skip at skip at
Sat Apr 5 16:03:20 EDT 2008

I've noticed that under certain circumstances I can no longer connect to a
running XEmacs instance on my laptop using gnuclient (I think since I traded
in my powerbook for a macbook pro, but I'm not sure).  list-processes shows
that I have gnuserv running:

    Proc         Status   Buffer         Tty         Command
    ----         ------   ------         ---         -------
    gnuserv      run      (none)             /dev/ttys003 gnuserv

and the xemacs and gnuclient programs are located in the same place and are
of similar vintage:

    % type -a gnuclient
    gnuclient is /Users/skip/local/bin/gnuclient
    gnuclient is /usr/bin/gnuclient
    % type -a xemacs
    xemacs is /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs
    % file /Users/skip/local/bin/gnuclient
    /Users/skip/local/bin/gnuclient: Mach-O executable i386
    % file /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs
    /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs: Mach-O executable i386
    % ls -l /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs
    lrwxrwxr-x  1 skip  staff  15 Mar  3 04:17 /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs -> xemacs-21.5-b28
    % ls -lL /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 skip  staff  5314052 Mar  3 04:17 /Users/skip/local/bin/xemacs
    % ls -l /Users/skip/local/bin/gnuclient 
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 skip  staff  23348 Mar  3 04:17 /Users/skip/local/bin/gnuclient

but I can't connect.  Here are a bunch of failed attempts with different

    % gnuclient -nw -q
    gnuclient: No such file or directory
    gnuclient: unable to connect to local
    % gnuclient -q
    gnuclient: No such file or directory
    gnuclient: unable to connect to local
    % gnuclient -nw
    gnuclient: No such file or directory
    gnuclient: unable to connect to local
    % echo $DISPLAY
    % DISPLAY= gnuclient -q
    gnuclient: No such file or directory
    gnuclient: unable to connect to local
    % unset DISPLAY
    % gnuclient -q
    gnuclient: No such file or directory
    gnuclient: unable to connect to local

The one thing those failed attempts all have in common is that I first ssh'd
into my desktop machine at work then ssh'd back into my laptop at home.  If
I avoid the two ssh commands and just run gnuclient from a Terminal window
on my laptop gnuclient works just fine.

I can clearly find the gnuclient app, so I presume it's gnuclient that can't
find some file or directory in the double ssh case, but which one?  Is it
somehow related to the new way the DISPLAY environment variable works on
Leopard's X11?  In the no-ssh case my DISPLAY is "/tmp/launch-6mb1rV/:0".  I
tried changing it to that in the double-ssh case but that didn't improve

Skip Montanaro - skip at -

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