xemacs vs emacs

Visajo visajo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 09:05:41 EDT 2008

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask whether statement from book about xemacs is true.
Recently I have read "Linux Programmers Toolbox" and quote from it:
"Xemacs was a fork of Emacs, but now it seems these two programs have
merged into one big happy executable"

But on site http://www.xemacs.org/About/XEmacsVsGNUemacs.html
I have found:

"There are currently irreconcilable differences in the views about
technical, programming, design and organizational matters between
Richard Stallman (RMS) and the XEmacs development team which provide
little hope for a merge to take place in the short-term future.

If you have a comment regarding a merge, it is a good idea to avoid
posting to the newsgroups, because of the very heated flamewars that
often result. Mail your questions to xemacs-beta at xemacs.org and
emacs-devel at gnu.org.

Many people have noticed the great difference in focus between the two
"Viewpoints" presented here, and also have expressed confusion about
the legal issues RMS focuses on. The final sections present some
explanation and interpretation regarding these FAQs. "

I would like to know the truth, what this "difference" is all about.

Yours faithfully,
Adrian Elczewski

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