[Bug: 21.4.21] dired complains about an unrelated directory

mike.kupfer at xemacs.org mike.kupfer at xemacs.org
Sun Feb 17 17:33:29 EST 2008

>>>>> "MikeS" == Michael Sperber <sperber at deinprogramm.de> writes:

MikeS> Either way a piece of user convenience goes out the window.
MikeS> (Either it fails to properly update and reuse existing Dired
MikeS> buffers, or you get the error described.)  Suggestions welcome.

Could the truename be saved as a property of the buffer when dired first
visits the directory?

In the case I submitted, I suppose the /net/sfwnv/export/nv buffer (the
one I didn't have permissions for) would be tagged with some error
indicator, rather than the actual truename.

So when dired looks through the existing buffers, it would skip buffers
that have a different truename or an error tag.  Hmm.  I wonder if this
would be a noticeable performance win when the user has a lot of dired
buffers for NFS directories.


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