Releasing from Mercurial repo -- procedures?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sun Feb 10 13:27:13 EST 2008

Michael Sperber writes:

 > You could do all that at once in your local copy, and then push.

I plan to do it that way, but it does require a freeze to avoid a
concurrent commit AFAICS.

In the case of a concurrent commit, that doesn't meet the desiderata
of (a) tagged revision is in the tarballs, (b) all contents are
documented in CHANGES-beta, and (c) tagged revision is not a merge.

 > I guess I don't understand what your point is.  Weren't you asking how
 > to avoid the "cease-fire"?

No, I wanted to know if anybody objected to a normally short freeze on
the xemacs-beta repo.  If so, yes, I'd like to know how to do this in
a way that both meets my desiderata and avoids a freeze.

I also wanted to know if I have commit access to it, which question
has sorta been ignored. :-)

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