Releasing from Mercurial repo -- procedures?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu Feb 7 06:04:08 EST 2008

Michael Sperber writes:
 > "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:
 > > So, how are we gonna do this?  Looks to me like the only sane way to
 > > go is to declare a commit freeze until the release is complete.
 > Why?  If you want to stabilize for the release, you just create a
 > branch pull or transplant things in place.

Um, no.  Stabilize for the release?  Surely you are joking.  If it
builds on the release machine and I can get it to pop up a window, I'm
going to ship it.  The point is I do not want any merge artifacts
around the release tag.  It should cleanly separate pre-release
changes from post-release changes.  And the same for ChangeLogs.  (I
notice you recently committed a ChangeLog in the middle of the log
instead of at the top.  Doesn't matter for typical random commits, but
it does matter for the release banner.  Mercurial artifact, I'm sure.)
Also I see no good reason why I should have to edit the CHANGES-beta
file and regenerate announcements.  And in any case we have the xemacs
repo to buffer any concurrent changes in.

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