21.5-b28 strange behaviour: buffer modification flag set, even though I can't remember having changed anything

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Jan 30 15:42:26 EST 2008

Thomas Mittelstaedt writes:

 > This happens sometimes, especially with (generated) Makefiles. When I 
 > try undo, xemacs tells me that there is no undo information.
 > When I reload the buffer, I can't see any visible changes.
 > What could that be?

There was a bug that setting the buffer's coding system set the
modified flag, resulting in similar behavior.  This would be very
noticable after reverting a buffer.  Why this would happen for
generated Makefiles, I'm not sure.  Do you revert them often?  The bug
I'm referring to was fixed after the release of 21.5.28.

I would appreciate it if you would update to the most recent version
(if you don't have a Mercurial workspace yet, install Mercurial, then

    hg clone http://hg.debian.org/hg/xemacs/xemacs

should do the trick).  From your description it might be a different
bug, though probably related.

Also, even for something as simple as this it helps to use M-x
report-xemacs-bug, since that will tell us whether the bug should be
fixed in the version you are using.  Don't worry about our bandwidth,
and we appreciate you taking the extra effort if it means cutting and
pasting into T-bird or something like that.

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