[Bug: 21.4.15] global-set-key

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jan 29 18:26:52 EST 2008

Scott Coonce writes:

 > I interpret this to mean that ANY character in the range [32,255]
 > can use it's representation (eg. 'a') instead of its ascii code
 > '65'.  Since '3' = ascii(51), I assumed I could use '3' according
 > to this rule also.  Apparently I was mistaken.

You were, if you thought you can spell the name of a character that
way.  In a Lisp expression the literal `3' is not a character, it is a
number.  The literal `a' is not a character, it is a symbol.
Characters are denoted with a question mark, such as `?3' or `?a', and
will not be recognized by the Lisp parser as characters unless spelled
correctly with the prefix '?'.

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