XEmacs and GPLv3

Julian Bradfield jcb+xeb at inf.ed.ac.uk
Fri Jan 18 12:11:57 EST 2008

In article <4790C15A.10400 at gmail.com> Gary Foster <gary.foster at gmail.com> writes:
>Although it could've been phrased much more tactfully, the man does have 
>a point.

What point? The only point I see is a need to learn some basic logic!

The OP wrote:

>>> Actually my preference would be to have it read "GPL V2 or later" to

David wrote:
>> It is nonsensical to pretend to permit releasing "GPL v2 or later" while
>> barring a release as "GPL v3 or later", since "GPL v3 or later" is
>> covered by "GPL v2 or later".

which is itself nonsense. If the OP wishes to retain the freedom of
his users to use the code under v2, a "GPL v3 or later" release must
be forbidden, since it does not permit the users to adopt v2.

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