Samba and XEmacs and read-only

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Jan 1 23:46:46 EST 2008

QZ writes:

 > Searching the forums it appears this problem is not new but perhaps
 > it has been assumed to no longer be an issue.  Tonight I tried to edit
 > a file served by Samba with XEmacs 21.4.20, 21.4.21, and 21.5-b28.
 > Each attempt and each version yielded the same result.  I.e. XEmacs
 > would open the file read-only ignoring true permissions.  After
 > opening the file read-only, I would M-X toggle-read-only, make my
 > changes, and save.  This work around unfortunately does not help if
 > the file does not exist as XEmacs refuses to make files in directories
 > served by Samba.  It seems to think that all directories are
 > read-only.

Please send a bug report using M-x report-xemacs-bug.  This is a
highly system- (and possibly configuration-) dependent issue; we need
a lot more information about your system.

If you are on Windows (which seems likely), please let us know exactly
what version(s) you're using.

There is a known problem where past versions of XEmacs attempted to
emulate Unix semantics for permission, but it turns out that Windows
has a different enough model that it's essentially impossible.  A
number of patches were applied to XEmacs 21.5.28 and I believe to
21.4.20 or .21 to improve the situation, and since then yours is the
first report I've seen.

I don't do Windows, so if it *is* Windows-related you'll have to wait
until the Windows guys get back from skiing or whatever.

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