[PATCH] Abstract out a display-table-specific API (2)

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Dec 31 00:59:03 EST 2007

Mike Kupfer writes:

 > >>>>> "ST" == Stephen J Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> writes:
 > ST> The real solution is to have a standard-library package (or package
 > ST> suite) which is shared between all reasonably recent XEmacs
 > ST> versions.  (This is the real long-term motivation for the
 > ST> "bundled-packages" work.)  Versions of XEmacs without C support for
 > ST> certain features would have to do without, or perhaps use
 > ST> inefficient Lisp versions.
 > Is the plan that standard-library is available as an unbundled package,
 > as well as being delivered with a given version of core?

"Plan"?  No plan yet.  The "batteries included" distribution (core +
packages) is an old ambition of Martin's, to tell the truth, and I see
it as a really easy way to make it easier for new users to get into

The general idea is that the standard-library would be the stuff that
is documented in the Lispref but written in Lisp.  I'd like to see
advances in font-lock and things like that be available to 21.4 users.
But I haven't thought carefully about how to make it work (thus
gaffes like "oh, go ahead and use functions that won't be available at
runtime, it'll just work...." :-P ).

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