Xft performance with XEmacs 21.5.28 on Mac OS 10.5

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Nov 14 13:18:56 EST 2007

William Gallafent writes:

 > few lines of build posted below. Any idea what's causing the duplicate  
 > symbol?

The GNU buildchain's "extern inline" support is disabled or broken
under Xcode.

 > It appears to be declared inline in a header which is included  
 > in both alloc.o and abbrev.o.

One of "lisp-union.h" or "lisp-disunion.h" is included in about 80% of
source files, and there are dozens of such functions.  You're just
seeing the first clash for the first inline function declared.

 > Do I need to tweak a compilation or linking flag somewhere?

For testing, you can probably get a build by adding


at the top of $buildroot/src/config.h.  However, this will cause the
xemacs binary to bloat by some probably large amount because of the
duplicated function definitions in every file that includes "lisp.h"
(which is most of them).  If that doesn't work, then you can edit the
definition of INLINE_HEADER in that file to force inlines to be static.

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