[Bug: 21.5-b28] Crash after server password prompt(ERC)

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Nov 5 13:58:55 EST 2007

FKtPp writes:

 > > If you have the core file, start gdb /path/to/xemacs, then source
 > > .gdbinit,
 > It seemed that, I don't have `pobj' nor `ldp' command defined. Is that a gdb
 > standard command or you defined for self needs?  How to define it? 
 > What does it do?

"source .gdbinit" is the key.  It lives in the XEmacs sources src/
subdirectory next to the xemacs binary.

pobj and ldp are two commands that take a C pointer to a Lisp_Object
and print it out in various ways.  pobj shows the relationship of the
C struct to the Lisp object more clearly, while ldp actually uses the
Lisp engine's printer to show you what you would see if you typed M-:
obj RET in XEmacs.  These user commands are defined in .gdbinit.

If you start gdb from the same directory where .gdbinit is, gdb will
read it automatically.  (Thus "cd /path/to/xemacsstuff; gdb xemacs"
has some advantages over "gdb /path/to/xemacsstuff/xemacs".)

 > I've done that, so what next? I can tempraryly using gedit as my editor.

Just start another instance of XEmacs.  In fact, if you're into heavy
debug and fix mode, it often makes sense to have a cycle like "make;
cd src; ./xemacs" then in XEmacs use M-x gdb to start gdb-mode which
gives you a somewhat useful toolbar and multiple windows on debugger
data.  (Of course you have to be careful to avoid tickling the crash
you're debuging in the parent xemacs!  Or you could use a stable
version that doesn't crash.)

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