[Adding gnuclient_setup, removing Netinstall and InstallShield from website]

Vin Shelton acs at alumni.princeton.edu
Sat Oct 13 08:48:47 EDT 2007

Good morning, Adrian!

Yes, Sox won 10-3!

On 10/13/07, Adrian Aichner <adrian at xemacs.org> wrote:
> "Vin Shelton" <acs at alumni.princeton.edu> writes:
> > On 10/7/07, Adrian Aichner <adrian at xemacs.org> wrote:
> >> "Vin Shelton" <acs at alumni.princeton.edu> writes:
> >   1) The gnuclient SendTo entry now pops the XEmacs window to the foreground.
> This still does not work for me.
> The buffer does get displayed in a window, like before, but the XEmacs
> frame does not get raised (if obscured by other frames) or restored
> (if minimized).

Are you sure you're using the correct entry from the SendTo menu?  The
latest kit invokes gnuclient with the -q and -F options.  Can you send
me the properties of your SendTo menu entry?  Here's how to find it:
1. Right click on Start and select Explore
2. Choose the SendTo folder
3. Right click on "XEmacs (via gnuclient)" and choose Properties
4. Cut and paste the target string into your reply

> winclient does this AFAIR.

Yes, I think that feature is built into DDE - the recipient is
automatically brought to the foreground.

> >   2) The gnuclient SendTo entry now creates an XEmacs executable if
> > one didn't already exist.
> gnuclientw now starts a new XEmacs, great!
> How does it choose the XEmacs executable to start, if multiple exist?
> It starts 21.5-b28 for me, which is good.

The setup kit adds a gnuclientw entry for the first XEmacs it finds.
When that gnuclient invokes an XEmacs, it uses the one from the
current directory.  I decided that anyone sophisticated enough to have
multiple versions of XEmacs installed could change the properties of
the SendTo item.

> I also have 21.5-b27, 21.5-b26, 21.4.19, and 21.1.14 installed under
> C:\Program Files\XEmacs.
> It looks like a new XEmacs so started does not have a *scratch* buffer.
> Is that correct/intended?

I don't see that.  For me, ^Xb offers *scratch* as the alternate
buffer.  This is true in both 21.4 and 21.5.


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