[PATCH 21.5] assert_failed should not return

Jerry James james at xemacs.org
Tue Sep 25 16:56:56 EDT 2007

On 9/24/07, Stephen J. Turnbull <turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> Uh, in practice, so does XEmacs.  Only if somebody insane (or who is
> Ben Wing, which may not be the same thing ;-) #defines
> ASSERTIONS_DONT_ABORT does this extremely dangerous behavior occur.
> But that requires actually editing the source AFAIK.  Are you sure
> you've actually observed assert_failed returning?

Look at the very first code in assert_failed (emacs.c).  If
fatal_error_in_progress is nonzero, then it returns.  In practice,
what this means is that if we have encountered a fatal error condition
and while in the process of saving buffers and shutting down encounter
an assertion failure, we return from assert_failed and keep executing
code.  That is what this patch is designed to change.

> XEmacs *did* (or does) have a different issue, where signals during
> the shutdown process are handled rather than dumping core.  If you've
> actually observed recursive crashes, I don't think the change you're
> making will prevent them.

No, I am not attempting to address that issue at this time.
Jerry James

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