[C] Fix unwanted point moveage in VM

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Mon Sep 10 20:35:43 EDT 2007

>>>>> "MS" == Michael Sperber <sperber at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
MS> Joachim Schrod <jschrod at acm.org> writes:

>> He didn't mention on the VM newsgroup that he took over; he was very
>> busy to get the new release out at all, and then took his time to
>> react to users (very quickly, I want to add). As a VM user myself, I
>> was very happy that this happened, VM started to bitrot concerning
>> current demands that one has for a MUA.

MS> So before I sink more work into this: Can you confirm that the
MS> "flicker" problem seen on 21.5 also occurs with the new VM?

I don't know if I fully understood what Julian's "flicker" problem
is actually... Thus, let me rephrase the situation as I observe it.

When one moves from one message to another (i.e., evaluates
#'vm-next-message), the frame goes completely white and is then
rebuild. Is that the "flicker" problem of Julian? This is the same in
VM 7.17/7.19 and VM 8.0. I'd think that this behaviour was already
there when I still used XEmacs 21.4; I don't remember any change here. 
AFAIU, that's done during the construction of the mail's presentation
(MIME decoding and so).

The only case that I know where point is moved is the "summary gets
shrunken" situation that you fixed. This problem is also in the new
VM; your fix applies there as well. (And it works, mucho gracias!)

Frankly, I consider neither of these issues in the ballpark of "makes
VM unusable"; for me these are merely annoyances. Actually, the
don't-focus-on-the-current-message issue was a real annoyance, and I'm
glad that it got fixed now. But it happened too seldom to be a cause
for real problems, or even to report it. The get-white-and-redraw
behaviour has not bothered me either -- we're talking about a MUA that
until recently could not display UTF-8 emails well enough, did not
support PGP/MIME, and still does not support S/MIME...

Anyhow, I hope that this information helps,


PS: OK; I will address Robert in November, when he's back, and ask him
if he can maintain VM 8.0 as an XEmacs package, too.

Joachim Schrod				Email: jschrod at acm.org
Roedermark, Germany

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