Bug tracker: next steps

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Sep 10 17:00:54 EDT 2007

skip at pobox.com writes:
 >     >> If we don't have that, why bother?
 >     Hans> Even without such a role I believe a tracker may still be useful
 >     Hans> to serve as a focal point for development as an easy and
 >     Hans> lightweight way to get involved in XEmacs development. Obviously
 >     Hans> it is much more valuable when someone actively marks duplicates,
 >     Hans> asks for clarification on bugs when needed, etc., but I feel that
 >     Hans> even without that being done actively there will be value, as
 >     Hans> people may build upon each others bug reports and patches,
 >     Hans> something that is pretty much impossible now.
 > In the Python world, new people often will report bugs to comp.lang.python
 > or python-dev at python.org (or even webmaster at python.org).  The nearly uniform
 > response to such submissions is to ask the OP to submit them to the Python
 > bug tracker, simply so they don't get lost.  This alone makes a bug tracker
 > valuable.

Let me say "we will get a tracker in the not-so-distant future."

Enough Reviewers have said they want it that it's worth providing a
tracker.  The issue in my mind now is what expectations users should
have about direct effects on their XEmacs experience of its

My personal opinion is "zero", unless we can get some of the other
things I have asked for.  I'm working on those, but will not make
promises yet.

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