Searchable Mail Archives

Steve Youngs steve at
Wed Jul 18 03:55:31 EDT 2007

* Stephen J Turnbull <stephen at> writes:

  > Steve Youngs writes:
  >> I'm very happy with MHonArc <> for my archiving,
  >> which uses Namazu <> for searching.  There are

  > Can you search on Message-IDs?

Yes.  You just prefix the search string with `+message-id:' (sans

  >> example archives listed on the MHonArc site, and mine are at...
  >> <>

  >> It would be a trivial matter for me to host XEmacs list archives as
  >> well.  And if anyone can get the old mbox files to me I can have the
  >> full archives back up complete with search ability.

  > OK, guys, what do we want to do with the spam in the two years

I'm on the side of the sane people who want to /dev/null it.

  > The issue is trying to preserve the internal links from one post to
  > another, which if we just clean out the spam the MHonArc message URLs
  > (which are based on order of messages in the archive), the links will
  > all change.

This isn't an issue.  If the spam is removed _before_ I get MHonArc to
process the mbox files there won't be any missing links.  And MHonArc
has tools that let you remove messages from the archive that will keep
all the links updated.  Also, each message has a permanent link that
never changes so you can use that link to reference messages in emails
or on web pages etc.

|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: A94B3003>---|
|       SXEmacs - The only _______ you'll ever need.       |
|         Fill in the blank, yes, it's THAT good!          |
|------------------------------------<steve at>---|
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