[Bug: 21.4.15] Xemacs crashes when "Edit->Find.." invoked

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Jun 14 12:02:46 EDT 2007

Henry Stilmack writes:

 > Xemacs crash is triggered by selecting "Find..." from the "Edit"
 > menu. Happens on x86_64, does not happen on i386 (same version of
 > Xemacs, CentOS 5 on both systems).  

XEmacs is currently at version 21.4.20 in the OXYMORON series; please
upgrade.  This will very likely fix your crash.  If it doesn't, please
let us know.

Also, since it looks like you're using a third-party build, I suggest
you get in touch with your vendor about the issue.  We do not promise
to provide binaries any more, and at present only on Windows does
XEmacs regularly provide installers itself.  For other third party
binaries, you need to talk to them about upgrading.

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