BeOS port still alive...

François Revol revol at
Fri Apr 27 05:09:08 EDT 2007

Hi there, long time no see.
I recently resumed work on the BeOS XEmacs port, updating to cvs HEAD 
Then I noticed I forked at some point so I had to merge back my toolbar 
I now have functional toolbar support, scrollbars move but aren't 
usable yet.

I also made some alternative speedbar and toolbar xpms from the 
standard icons (SVG) in Zeta... even some viers told me it looks good 

Here is an older one from the forked version:
The toolbar look difference come from the different drawing of native 
menus (yes toolbars are mostly a different menubar anyway) between BeOS 
R5 and Zeta R1.2.).

I also fixed input of Unicode (UTF-8) keys, accented chars do work now, 
I think the native input methods from BeOS should work as well (but 
aren't yet integrated so they will pop up an input window):

I tried running the binary in Haiku ( ), but it 
crashes nicely as Haiku reversed back the vm split which BeOS had 
opposite to any other OSes (kernel from 0 to 8 bazillions) for no valid 
reason, so undumping really goes nuts.
I managed to dump from Haiku mostly, maybe some day...


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